Comments on: Upright Collection Work Statement-Scan Love Ceramic Arts Studio/Commission, Production, Instruction Tue, 14 May 2024 16:41:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Reza Nik Tue, 14 May 2024 16:41:30 +0000 Interesting blog, thanks

By: Reza Hosseiny Wed, 23 Mar 2022 22:57:40 +0000 In reply to Mohammad.

Thank you my dear Mohammad. Sorry for the delayed response. I hope the statement could have helped you.

By: Reza Hosseiny Wed, 23 Mar 2022 22:56:26 +0000 In reply to Peyton Labrash.

Thank you so much, Peyton. I am so sorry for the delayed response my dear. your perspective and wisdom are beautiful and rational. Honestly, you surprised me with the way that you described the artwork. Yes, love comes with a heavy price. love comes when we put ourselves in the place of others. Love comes
When we realize the power of love instead of love of power. Thank you!

By: Reza Hosseiny Wed, 23 Mar 2022 22:39:47 +0000 In reply to Cathy Lombard.

thank you so much, Cathy! I am sorry for the delayed respons. yes, the beautiful Ivys are imprisoned by the bars of the cold as the barcodes are the symbol of consumerism. Unfortunately, love is gradually disappearing in the chaos of today’s world. I want to say that love and lovemaking is the only way out of this chaos. From fiction to reality is the distance to the thinness of a hair.

By: Reza Hosseiny Wed, 23 Mar 2022 22:09:36 +0000 In reply to Samaneh.

Hello Samameh Jan, Thank you for the nice words. I hope that in the chaos of today’s world, the devils still allow the traces of love to remain on Earth!.

By: Samaneh Thu, 03 Mar 2022 02:30:29 +0000 Reza jan,
I was overwhelmed by the beauty of your artwork. The story behind your creation, like a beautiful poem, gave me a greater understanding of it. We are so proud of you!

By: Cathy Lombard Mon, 28 Feb 2022 12:40:45 +0000 👍🏼]]> This is an interesting premise for your work Reza. There is almost a sci-fi quality to the idea of scanning to give or get love. At the same time I also see the beauty of the love ivy, imprisoned by the bars of the code.
I hope you get a show so you can put these questions to a wider audience. I will be at your opening🙏🏽👍🏼

By: Peyton Labrash Mon, 28 Feb 2022 07:16:37 +0000 ]]> This piece is so beautiful, it speaks such a powerful message about love. The detail of the plant on each tile is stunning. The thought that was put into this piece is truly amazing! I love the way you described what each part means to your culture, it’s fascinating! When I first looked at your piece “scan love” the way that I interpret it would be that love comes with a heavy price. Or another way I looked at this piece was like what you pay for is what you get, the amount of love and effort that you put towards a relationship is what you will receive in return. I love how the piece is so versatile and can be seen from many perspectives! Great work❤️

By: Mohammad Fri, 25 Feb 2022 07:34:40 +0000 👏]]> An expert artist can makes a gorgeous artwork like this 👏👏

By: Reza Hosseiny Fri, 25 Feb 2022 04:26:08 +0000 In reply to Arezoo.

ممنونم آرزو جان و سپاسگزارم بابت کنجکاوی و طرح سوالات. تلاش میکنم که مفید باشم. بله درست میگید. دقیقا میخوام پیچکها شکل بارکد را در خود حل کرده وروحی تازه به آن بدهند. دقیقا درست میگید. استفاده از بارکد کنایه ای بر سیطره مصرف گرائی است که آن هم زائیده ثروتمندانی است که به جز ثروت و عشق به قدرت چیز دیگری را نمیشناسند. سوال این است که چند درصد از روش ما در زندگی زائیده تصمیم شخصی خودمان است. به تعبیری چند در صد ما خودمان هستیم و چند درصد آنچه جهان پر زرق و برق، رسانه ها، افکار و عقاید دیگران میخواهند؟ و سوال مهمتر ، آیا سرمایه داری و قدرت میتواند عشق را تولید و در سبد خانواده قرار دهد؟ و جواب این است: نه. چرا که عشق در مقابل زرق و برق، مصرف گرائی، قدرت طلبی ، تعصب، جهل، و خرافه گرائی است.
