Just, because I did not want to be loved! (In the memory of the victims of the acid attack)
Just, because I did not want to be loved! (In the memory of the victims of the acid attack)
Just, because I did not want to be loved! (In the memory of the victims of the acid attack)

H: 6in – L: 8in – W: 8in
Ceramic Cone 6 – Gold Luster Cone 018

Just because I did not want to be loved! (In memory of the victims of the acid attack)

In the poignant echo of those who did not seek love, I reflect on the victims of acid attacks, those for whom the lifespan of love mirrors the span of humanity itself. Love, an intimate dance between lover and beloved, blurs the lines of identity. Who, truly, is the lover, and who is the beloved? The intricacies of these roles require contemplation. For, in the realm of love, the lover becomes the beloved, and the beloved, the lover—an enigma wrapped in misleading words.
Amidst these reflections, one universal truth remains: the outcome of love is meant to be pleasure and joy, not the shadows of hatred and resentment. Yet, against this backdrop, a disquieting question lingers—why would someone unleash the corrosive force of acid upon another, all in the name of love?
“In Memoriam: Love Unwanted” invites us to confront the stark contradiction between the profound beauty of love and the abhorrent darkness of violence, honoring the victims whose faces bear witness to an anguish born out of an inexplicable perversion of what should be a source of solace and happiness.