Suicide of A Soul!
Suicide of A Soul!
Suicide of A Soul!
Suicide of A Soul!

  Each H: 16in – W: 7in
Ceramic Cone o4 – Kitchen Knife

Suicide of A Soul!

In the poignant dance between the soul and the body’s actions, weariness may push a soul to the precipice of self-destruction. Throughout the annals of history, the souls choosing this path have consistently outnumbered bodies taking the same tragic route.

The act of self-destruction carries with it a profound awareness—a knowing embrace of one’s imminent demise. Contrastingly, those persisting in a life of soulless existence engage in a different, albeit foolish, sacrifice. These individuals, unaware of their soul’s departure, continue to traverse the realms of the living, erroneously assuming they are truly alive.

“Ephemeral Souls” explores the delicate interplay between life, death, and the silent departure of the soul, shedding light on the tragic misconception of those who sacrifice their essence without realizing the void left in their wake.