Straight Down, Screwed up!
Straight Down, Screwed up!
Straight Down, Screwed up!
Straight Down, Screwed up!

Black H: 30in – W: 9in / Cream H: 30in – W: 8½in
Ceramic Cone 04 & 6 Metal Freight Wire, Live Plant


Straight Down, Screwed up!

Descending through ‘Straight Down, Screwed up!,’ the sculpture delves into the metaphorical intersection of life’s challenges and the principles of Algebra. Echoing the cautionary saying about minding one’s head when crossing a doorway, the artwork explores the inevitability of confronting unwelcome situations to progress. Just as Algebra demands adherence to formulaic rules for solutions, life requires us to face and navigate challenges. The piece delves into the human tendency to persistently grapple with difficulties without altering their source or perception, akin to blindly guessing solutions in algebra problems. It highlights the paradoxical attachment to burdens, treating them as unavoidable fixtures even as they cause self-inflicted harm, drawing attention to the irrational love we sometimes develop for our own challenges.